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10 Depressing Reasons The Internet Is Destroying Itself

10) Outrage Is Becoming The Default Setting10_ThinkstockPhotos-488218575When was the last time you got really, really angry over something online? Don’t worry, we won’t judge. Getting outraged on the Internet has been a national pastime since the invention of Twitter. Only back then, we used to get worked up over racist politicians and horrible videos of people stomping cats. Today, we hit the roof over literally anything.Last year, Slate decided to monitor the spread of outrage across

10 Most Famous Natural Landmarks In South America

We comprised a list of the 10 most famous and must-see natural landmarks in South America. These locations are spread all over the continent, each has it’s own characteristics and unique features that got it to the list, but they all have in common the natural beauty, amazing phenomenons, and breathtaking unforgettable views that will last you a lifetime.

10 Awesome Geographical Extreme Points

We gathered together some interesting geographical locations with special significant. All the mentioned places are extreme points of either the entire Earth or a specific continent.

10 Places To Visit Before They Disappear

Looking for a destination for your upcoming vacation? Before you decide, keep in mind that some of the world’s most beautiful and most unique places are changing, some might lose their magic, while others might disappear completely. Before you is a list of 10 such destinations.

10 Most Incredible Impact Craters

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An impact crater, also known as meteorite crater is a crater created by a collision of a meteorite with the Earth surface. The following is a list of 10 impressive impact craters that can be seen and recognized by the naked eye. Therefore, the list contains small craters, rather than huge crates which are tens or hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

10 Most Amazing Trees In The World

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Do you know that saying can’t see the forest for the trees? Well, long time ago I wrote about themost beautiful forests in the world, but it occurred to me that I never wrote about individual trees, or tree species. So here it is, 10 famous and amazing trees: either specific individual trees, small groves, or unique species.

10 Most Beautiful Natural Arches In The World

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natural arch is commonly formed by erosion of soft rock by water. Often natural arches will appear near or on cliffs that are found by the sea or rivers (or where the sea or rivers used to be). Another way natural arches can be formed is erosion by wind. Whether they appear alone or in a group, near the water or in the middle of the desert, natural formed arches are always a big attraction to tourists and travelers.