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Top 10 Best Home Remedies to get rid of Skin Tags

Frustrated and worried about skin tags? Skin tags, also known as papillomas or polyps are soft hangings on
 the skin surface. They are harmless skin growths that occur in different parts of the body, mostly on the
 inner thighs, armpits, nose face, chest, neck and so on. While they are generally non-cancerous growths,
 they might also be caused by an underlying medical problem that requires urgent attention.
Skin tags can be very ugly and result in cosmetic concerns among women. Fortunately, there are a number
 of effective and safe methods that can be used to treat the condition at home. The advantage of home
 remedies for skin tags is that they are minimally invasive procedures that can be used by anyone. Here 
are the best home treatments for skin tags:


Tea tree oil is a powerful essential oil that has natural antiseptic properties. This remedy can be used to
 treat skin tags safely and effectively. Tea tree oil also helps to protect your skin against further flare-ups
 after skin tag removal. Simply apply this essential oil on the affected area and leave it on. Apply the oil
 three or more times each day depending on the extent of your condition. Those with sensitive skin should
 used diluted oil to treat their condition.
Castor oil is a powerful home remedy for skin tags. Add a little baking soda to some castor oil in order
 to make a thick mixture. Apply this paste on the affected are. Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times each
 day for three weeks. Soon the condition will improve. Remember, the treatment should be continued
 if the problem persists.
Lemon juice has strong citric acid that can help destroy the cells in your skin tags. Apply some lemon juice
 on a soft piece of cloth and then apply it on the affected area. Leave it on. Soon the skin tag will die away.
 Simply exercise patience and employ this treatment every day.


Apple cider vinegar is commonly used to treat a number of medical conditions, including skin tags. Before
 applying apple cider vinegar, you need to soak your skin tag in warm water. Once the affected are becomes
 soft, apply some apple cider vinegar on the affected area. Leave it on for about 20 minutes for it to act. Use
 warm water to rinse of the area. Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times each day until the skin tag disappears.
Banana peel is another reliable home remedy for skin tags. Simply slice the banana peel into several pieces 
and hold them safely on the affected area with a clean bandage. Make sure that the inner part of the peel
 remains in contact with the skin tags. Leave it on overnight and continue the same treatment on a daily
 basis until the skin tag disappears.


Dental floss is another effective way to remove skin tags. It can help treat skin tags on any part of your body.
 With the dental toss, tie a tight knot around the skin tag. Soon, the skin tags will disappear. This treatment 
helps destroy skin tags by stopping the flow of blood to the affected region.


Pineapple juice is a strong remedy that can be used to remove skin tags. Apply the juice on the skin tags 
2 to 3 times every day for about ten days. This will help your condition to improve gradually. Also see Top 
10 health benefits of pineapple.


Cut a medium-sized onion into small slices, add salt and soak them overnight. Now squeeze some juice from
 this mixture. After several hours, apply this juice on the skin tag or the affected area and secure it properly. 
Leave it on overnight. In the morning, rinse your skin using warm water. Repeat this procedure each day for
 one week.


Aloe Vera is highly recommended for any skin problem. Apply it on your skin tags each day. Thanks o it
 ability to treat any type of skin condition, aloe Vera is commonly used in various skin care products. Aloe
 Vera gel can be used to get rid of the skin tag safer and faster.


Garlic is a fantastic treatment for skin tags even without any medications. Being extremely hot, you need to
 be careful when using garlic as treatment for skin tags. Slice a clove of garlic into small pieces. Use a duct 
tape to secure it on the affected area. Leave it on the whole day. Be sure to replace it with new pieces.
 Before going to bed, remove the garlic treatment and rinse off the skin. Continue this treatment for about
 three days to completely remove the skin tag.