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10. Golden Eagle - Aquila chrysaetos
Image: Wikimedia Commons by Richard Bartz
Wingspan: 8.2 feet
Golden eagles are majestic and powerful hunters of
the Northern Hemisphere and are one of the largest
eagles in the world. Although they are powerful enough to
kill a large deer, they most often hunt small mammals
such as rabbits, ground squirrels, and prairie dogs.
Golden eagles are the National Emblem of Mexico. Have
you ever seen one? I was thrilled to recently see
a golden eagle for the first time!
9. Grey Crowned Crane - Balearica regulorum
Wingspan: 8.2 feet (2.5 meters)
The grey crane is an inhabitant of the dry savannas
in Africa. They have an elaborate courtship display
which involves dancing, bowing, and jumping. An elegant
bird that is only found south of the Sahara desert.
I'd love to take a trip to Africa someday and hope
to see these elegant cranes!
8. California Condor - the largest flying bird in
North America - Gymnogyps californianus
Wingspan: 9.1 feet (2.8 meters)
The California Condor is one of the rarest birds in
the world. Pushed to the brink of extinction, they
are now slowly and steadily increasing in numbers
with the aid of some excellent captive breeding programs.
They are the largest flying bird in North America and
feed on carrion. The number of California Condors was reduced
dramatically by poisoning, both intentionally by farmers
and unintentionally by the use of lead shot to hunt animals.
Lead poisoning as a result of scavenging rendered many of these
birds infertile. This is a story with a happy ending though!
Have you ever seen one of these magnificent birds?
I've never seen one -- maybe someday soon!
Have you ever seen a California Condor?
7. Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus
Image: Flickr Creative Commons via .baz.
Wingspan: 9.2 feet (2.8 meters)
This is a massive vulture which measures over three feet
from beak to tail. It hunts for carrion by soaring high
in the sky, either singly or in large groups. These birds
inhabit the mountainous parts of Southern Europe, North
Africa, and Asia. It breeds on high cliff edges - this is
not a bird that's scared of heights! Noted as being a
highly social species, these birds often nest in colonies
of more than 100 pairs, with some colonies estimated to
contain up to 1,000 birds.
Some people think that vultures are creepy, but I think
they're a cool group of birds.
6. Bearded Vulture - Gypaetus barbatus
Wingspan: 9.8 feet (2.99 meters)
The Latin binomial for this species literally means
"bearded vulture-eagle" and it is aptly named. This is a
massive and majestic species! Sometimes known as the Lammergeier
vulture. Unlike most vultures, this species does not have the
characteristic bald head. It inhabits the crags in the high
mountains of Europe, India, Pakistan, Africa, and Tibet. Like most
vultures, they eat mostly carrion which they locate by sight while
soaring high in the air. Amazingly, a bearded vulture has been
reported at an elevation of 24,000 feet!
5. Whooper Swan - Cygnus cygnus
Image: Flickr Creative Commons via nickpix2011
Wingspan: 9.8 feet (3 meters).
Some of the heaviest flying birds are our swans -- in the US the
heaviest flying bird is the Trumpeter Swan, but the Whooper Swan
is an elegant bird that winters in northern Europe and eastern Asia.
They may fly hundreds of miles to reach breeding grounds in subarctic
Eurasia. These birds are powerful flyers, despite weighing 18-44 pounds
(8-20 kilograms)! They have a very deep call and are truly a remarkable
bird to witness in flight.
4. Andean Condor - Vultur gryphus
Wingspan: 11 feet (3.4 meters)
This is a magnificent and humungous bird! These massive vultures spend
the days soaring on updrafts in the Andean Mountains of South America.
Most of its diet consists of carrion, but unlike most vultures, these birds
will kill small to medium sized mammals as well. They do not reach maturity
until they are around eight years old and can live 50 to 60 years in the
wild. Males are larger than females and can weigh over 30 pounds. A remarkable
sight when soaring!
3. Marabou Stork - Leptoptilos crumeniferus
Wingspan: at least 11 feet (3.4 meters)
These unusual scavengers are a frequent sight on the African plains feeding
on carrion alongside vultures. These impressive birds inhabit both wet and
arid habitats south of the Sahara. They are often called "undertaker birds"
because of their habits. They are gregarious and colonial breeders. They can
weigh up to 20 pounds and can reach a height of 60 inches. Although they usually
eat carrion, they will also eat small mammals, birds, and nestlings.
2. Great White Pelican - Pelecanus onocrotalus
Wingspan: 11.8 feet (3.6 meters)
These are large and distinct birds that inhabit the eastern Mediterranean
to Vietnam and South Africa. Like all pelicans, these birds are adapted to
aquatic life. They have webbed feet and feed on many fish per day, but like
most birds are opportunistic feeders. They are known for forming huge aggregations,
including a colony of around 75,000 in Tanzania. Please note that this is not
the American White Pelican, which inhabits the states.
The largest wingspan of any living bird belongs to......
1. Wandering Albatross - Diomedea exulans
Wingspan: 11.8 feet (3.6 meters)
These are amazing and majestic birds. They spend their entire lives at sea and only
come ashore to reproduce every other year. The Wandering Albatross breeds on South
Georgia Island, Crozet Islands, Kerguelen Islands, Prince Edward Islands, and Macquarie
Island. Although the largest confirmed report was around 12 feet, there have been
accounts of Wandering Albatross wingspans as large as 17 feet across. Such long wings
enable these birds to glide effortlessly over the ocean for hours at a time without
flapping its wings. Its body length can reach close to five feet in length. Unfortunately,
these majestic birds have declined by more than 30% in 70 years with their biggest threat
being long line fishing practices. However, pollution, especially from plastic is also taking
its toll. Adults unknowingly feed their chicks bits of plastic they find floating in the ocean,
causing a slow death for the unfortunate chick.